May 4 - 5, 2023 at the New York Hilton
Midtown, New York, NY, USA

The MITRAL CONCLAVE meeting focuses on technical aspects of mitral valve repair and replacement in a variety of complex anatomic and patient settings. The world’s leading experts in mitral valve disease will provide key insights into how to achieve excellent outcomes through best practice management and the selection and execution of surgical and interventional techniques.

  • This is the world’s largest meeting focused on mitral valve disease with over 1,000 healthcare professionals from more than 50 countries.
  • Learn the latest techniques and strategies from an international faculty of leaders and pioneers in the field.
  • Interact with other healthcare professionals focused on mitral valve disease and innovative surgical techniques.
  • Choose from more than 45 sessions to take an in-depth look into every aspect of mitral and tricuspid valve disease and management.

3 MAGGIO 2023


Oggi prendo l’aereo per New York per un evento eccezionale: il Mitral Conclave, il convegno più importante al mondo sulla cardiochirurgia della valvola mitrale e tricuspide.

Già dal 2011 con il Cardioteam andiamo a NY per presentare i nostri risultati (molto apprezzati oltreoceano) ma quest’anno siamo nella Faculty.

Insomma, gli americani ci considerano tra i top surgeons e sono davvero emozionato! È il frutto di 35 anni di impegno quotidiano della mia equipe per ogni malato di cuore.


Un caro saluto a tutti

Marco Diena

IRCCS Policlinico San Donato